Friday, August 23, 2019


Greetings and welcome the The Minute Bible blog.  The Minute Bible is a short, sweet and to the point summary of each book in The Bible.  This blog is intended to be short sweet and to the point as well.

I look forward to reading your comments; short sweet and to the point is appreciated, I'll be honest, if you write a dissertation, I'm probably NOT gonna read it.  I'm also not interested in starting or continuing arguments or debates, there are plenty of other place you can go to fulfill that need in your life.  I think it goes without saying that you should keep your comments "clean".  I would love to know what you think as long as you can keep it within those parameters.

With that out of the way, my mission is to teach you how to love to learn The Bible.
I grew up in the church; I always had a thirst for God and for what The Bible had to say.  I studied The Bible and even taught Sunday School, but I had trouble seeing the big picture of how everything fit together.  My desire to see the big picture is what lead me on this journey to learn and now to share an overview of The Bible through this blog and through The Minute Bible audio series.  There are plenty of blogs and online Bible studies out there that look at Bible verses or Bible stories; some look at The Bible with a magnifying glass and some look at The Bible with a microscope.  The Minute Bible gives you the big picture, the broad strokes, the wide angle lens look at The Bible.  I hope to show you how all the pieces fit together; how the Bible stories and Bible studies you may be familiar with fit together to create one big mosaic that shows God’s plan and His glory and His love for the Jews, for the gentiles, for you and for me.  I hope you will join me in this journey. 

The Minute Bible Guy.

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